We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and security. We take the security of your online experience very seriously. We\’ve listed the privacy guidelines below to better assist you and let you know how we handle your personal data.

We will collect personal information on you.

It is crucial to be aware of the types of information we collect on our website. There is information on your email address as well as your name, street address, business name, post code city, country, telephone number and password, among others. We collect information in various ways. Cookies are employed in the first place to collect, consolidate and save non-personally identifiable user data. Personal identifiable data refers to specific information about you, for example your credit card number, or your bank account. These details are specific to you.

Information can be used for many uses

The same information should not be repeated more than one time.

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Registration and placing an order

You\’ll have to enter your name in order to be able to ship and billing, phone number, e-mail, and credit card number. To comply with applicable laws you might be asked for your country. The information we collect is in order to manage your bill and complete your purchase. The information can be used to communicate directly with customers in regards to their purchases and websites and also for marketing. If we run into an issue during the process of your order, we can utilize the information we have collected to contact you.

Email Addresses

Join our newsletter to receive the most competitive prices. We will send your details for any contest you are a part of.

3. Privacy Protection

In our normal business practice, we don\’t rent or sell private information to companies that do not have a need for it. We employ encryption software that is that is of the highest quality. Every employee must agree to confidentiality agreements preventing their sharing of data with others.